Ocean Tide

2009.06.10. 22:00

I was happy to learn that the title for this blog was related to the ocean.  For generations the lives of many members of my family have revolved around the sea.  My father operates a marina, two uncles have been fishermen and my grandfather was a ship builder.  Having grown up on an island, I spent a great deal of my childhood in and around the water.  The sea is definitely in my blood.

I have chosen the nickname “Evening Tide” to reflect my love of the sea.  The ebb and flow of the tide can easily be compared to life.  Throughout life one experiences highs and lows, ups and downs.  Spending a year in Hungary creating new friendships and experiences offers the possibility of a “high tide” moment in my life.

Having spent twelve years teaching English to students from around the world I feel that I am able to anticipate many of the challenges our newcomers will experience.  However, at the conclusion of my year in Hungary I am sure that I will return with a new-found empathy and understanding for those who are trying to adapt to a new country, culture, and language. 

So as I prepare to embark on this journey, sailing on the out-going tide of hopes and dreams I cannot help but be reminded of the interconnectedness of us all.  We all feel the pull of the tide, that unseen force which propels us onward.  It is with great anticipation that I post this first of many thoughts and impressions of a year spent across the sea.

Mark Deebold  (Evening Tide)


“The illimitable, silent, never-resting thing called Time, rolling, rushing on, swift, silent, like an all-embracing ocean-tide, on which we and all the universe swim like exhalations, like apparitions which are, and then are not”

            - Thomas Carlyle

“I am you; you are ME.  You are the waves; I am the ocean.  Know this and be free, be divine.”

            - Sri Sathya Sai Baba


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Waver · http://waves.blog.hu 2009.06.11. 18:39:06

I am so happy you wrote about your thoughts. And in such a way that made me really happy.
I published it. I hope that it was your intention. You can still edit it any time you wish.
I was wondering if I should translate it into Hugarian. What do you think?
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